Complete Digital Marketing Package

Unlock the full potential of your online presence with our all-inclusive digital marketing package. Designed for businesses that want a cohesive and integrated approach, this package combines all of our core services to deliver a comprehensive marketing strategy that drives results across all channels.

Basic Package

Rs.5,000/month + ad spend


  • Basic keyword research
  • On-page optimization for up to 5 pages
  • Basic ad copy creation
  • Data integration from 2 platforms
  • Content strategy for one platform
  • 10 posts per month
  • Monthly performance reports

Advance Package

Rs.10,000/month + ad spend


  • Advanced keyword research and on-page optimization for up to 10 pages
  • Technical SEO improvements
  • Campaign setup and management for two platforms
  • Advanced ad copy creation and A/B testing
  • Data integration from up to 5 platforms
  • Content strategy and creation for up to two platforms
  • 20 posts per month
  • Bi-weekly performance reports

Premium Package

Rs.20,000/month + ad spend


  • Comprehensive keyword strategy and optimization for unlimited pages
  • Technical SEO and link building
  • Campaign setup and management for multiple platforms
  • Full-service ad copy creation, A/B testing, and optimization
  • Data integration from unlimited platforms
  • Daily reports with in-depth analysis and custom dashboards
  • Comprehensive content strategy and management across multiple platforms
  • 40 posts per month
  • Weekly performance reports and strategy sessions
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